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The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) began as a six-member Board of Charities and Corrections.
Social Security Act was signed into law by President Roosevelt.
Post Polio survivors reside in a hospital at Rancho Los Amigos.
Attendant Care Program established to enable elderly and disabled consumers who needed assistance to remain safely in their own homes.
100 Polio survivors move to their community to live with attendants paid by the March of Dimes.
California’s first Governor’s Conference on Aging convened and created a Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Aging.
March of Dimes stopped paying for Polio survivors’ attendants and legislators granted limited funding to those survivors.
Independent Living launched in the Bay Area led by Ed Roberts, a student with disabilities at UC Berkeley.
Aid to the Totally Disabled provided $300 a month for attendant services.
President Lyndon Johnson signed the Social Security Act amendments establishing both Medicare and Medicaid and creating the Older Americans Act.
California Medical Assistance Program (MediCal) was instituted. County Welfare Departments in California established what they called “homemaker services” for the elderly and families on welfare.
The Homemaker program was added to the Attendant Care program (AKA “Chore” program), allowing consumers who couldn’t supervise their own workers to receive services from a county-employed homemaker.
The Center for Independent Living (The CIL) formed in Berkeley, the first independent living center in the nation.
Congress enacted Supplemental Security Income.
AB 134 passed creating Homemaker and Chore programs operated by counties and provided funding.
The Social Security Act was amended to transfer local cash assistance programs for the aged, blind, and disabled to the federal government (the SSI/SSP program).
Enactment of WIC 12302.2, mandating a payroll and payment system for the IHSS program resulting in the development of the Case Management, Information and Payrolling System (CMIPS).
State legislation was passed to end the distinction between the Attendant Care and the Homemaker program and to identify the consumer as employer and the State as responsible for payments and related fiscal issues. This was the origin of our current IHSS program.
Formation of the Family Caregiver Alliance.
SB 412 froze county share of cost for IHSS at the 1987-88 level of $19.2 M, required the state to cover any IHSS shortfall through a state budget deficiency appropriation.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) established a clear and comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability.
AB 948 was passed and realignment adopted which transferred IHSS program from state to counties, changed cost sharing ratios and an increase in state sales tax and VLF was earmarked to support counties.
Little Hoover Commission issued report on the difficulties of finding workers to meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities.
SB 485 allowed counties to voluntarily form Public Authorities or Non-Profit Consortium to improve services for IHSS.
The Personal Care Services Program (PCSP) began and was the first IHSS program to obtain federal funding for recipients.
The Little Hoover Commission recommended that the Governor and Legislature encourage counties to form Public Authorities to improve services under the IHSS program.
The California State Independent Living Council (SILC) established as an independent California state agency.
US Supreme Court ruled in what is now called “The Olmstead Decision.” The High Court held that people with disabilities should be placed in community settings rather than institutions.
AB 1682 required each county to designate an employer of record for IHSS caregivers, identifying the option of establishing a Public Authority to meet the mandate.
Yolo County Public Authority is created separate from the county.
The California Association of Public Authorities (CAPA) is founded as a mutual benefit, nonprofit corporation, incorporated under section 501(c)(6).
CDSS contracted with the Office of Systems Integration (OSI) to manage CMIPS.
Gov. Schwarzenegger slashed the budget of the Public Authority resulting 57% cut.
Provider enrollment regulations were put into effect, requiring new IHSS providers to prove right to work, sign forms, and undergo a background check.
Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted allowing for the establishment of a new Medi-Cal state plan option, Community First Choice Option (CFCO).
SB 72 established an 11-member, community-based, advisory committee/board that would have a majority of disabled and senior participants to provide guidance on the IHSS program.
AB 106 allowed CAPA to consult with CDSS to develop a new rate setting methodology for Public Authority administrative costs.
California’s Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) adopted in July integrated the delivery of medical, behavioral, and long-term care Medi-Cal services, and provided a road map to integrate Medicare and Medi-Cal for “dual eligible beneficiaries.” CCI counties were Alameda, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Riverside and San Bernardino.
SB 1036 was passed, establishing a Statewide Public Authority and the maintenance of effort (MOE) formula.
CMIPS II was launched.
The US Dept. of Labor adopted new regulations allowing the provision of overtime, wait time, and travel time to IHSS caregivers under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Harris v Quinn is a labor law case of the US Supreme Court regarding provisions of Illinois’ state law that allowed a union security agreement. Membership in unions for IHSS caregivers deemed voluntary.
SB 878 was passed, mandating that counties provide a group orientation presentation, and to coordinate with their respective IHSS provider union.
California implements the provisions of overtime, wait time, and travel time to IHSS caregivers under the Federal Fair Labor Standards act.
County IHSS Maintenance of Effort (MOE) included in the 2017-18 budget (SB 90) including mitigations to offset increased costs and reopener provision.
SB 80 established a new IHSS MOE which created a more sustainable fiscal structure for Counties to manage IHSS costs.
Governor Gavin Newsom signed Executive Order N-14-19 calling for the development of the California Master Plan for Aging which launched in 2020.
COVID-19 pandemic causes state of emergency in California leaving many IHSS providers and consumers vulnerable.
AB 135 maintained the existing state/county sharing ratio for wage and benefit increases, extended the tool to allow state participation above the cap, and reenacted a Realignment withholding related to collective bargaining.
Permanent Back Up Provider Program is funded for IHSS services.
Career Pathways is launched offering training for providers through a special state allocation.
AB 120 increased penalty to 10% of county MOE, with penalty ongoing until county and IHSS representative reach agreement effective 10/1/23.
SB 101 establishes $1.5 M to convene a workgroup to discuss statewide collective bargaining.